Camel Floor Plant Care

The leaves of camel sole have heart or oval shapes. Its leaves have a normal structure when they first appear, but as they grow, they take on a torn structure. It looks very aesthetic with its long stems, dark green, shining color and large and torn leaves. Due to its aesthetic appearance, it is frequently used as decoration items in interior architecture. It is extremely easy and effortless to care for, but it requires patience because it grows slowly. It is one of the most different looking living room flowers. In this article, we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions about the maintenance of the decorative camel floor that adorns offices and living rooms.

Where should the camel sole plant be placed?

He loves bright areas extremely much. That's why places in your home that are exposed to direct sunlight are among the places where he will be happiest. However, regular watering is necessary, otherwise direct sunlight may burn the leaves if the moisture balance is not adjusted. It does not like areas that are windy and have high air circulation, and this damages its leaves. In short, areas that see plenty of sun and have little air flow are the places he will like the most. It is not suitable to look at it outdoors, it is more suitable to look at it indoors. In addition, since it tends towards the sun, the pot should be rotated frequently to prevent its form from deteriorating.

How to Water Camel Sole Plant?

He likes water very much. However, since it originates from a tropical climate, watering with cold water will cause a shock effect and harm your flower.

After the water you will irrigate with is taken from the fountain, it must be rested and even taken from the water purification system if possible. Additionally, it would be better to irrigate by spraying instead of pouring water directly onto the soil.

Irrigation patterns and irrigation amounts vary from season to season. While the need for water increases in summer because the temperature and evaporation will be high, the need for water will be less in autumn and winter because the air is colder and evaporation is less. The soil should be checked and watered and the soil should always remain moist, but care should be taken as excessive watering will cause rotting. Additionally, water should not accumulate in the saucer of the pot, and the accumulated water should be poured out. Because this accumulated water is excess and may cause the roots to rot.

Since it originates from a tropical climate, it cannot grow in cold places. Temperatures of 15-18 degrees are the minimum temperatures where it can grow healthily. Dropping the temperature below 10 degrees causes the death of the flower. Also, sometimes the leaves can be seen to sweat, which is caused by excessive watering.

What Should the Camel Sole Plant Soil Be Like?

sandy and with peat He enjoys the land. Since it likes its roots to remain loose, you should not press the soil when planting. Loose soil and large pots are ideal for it. It is sufficient to change the pot and soil every 2 years. The vitamin and mineral levels of the soil should be kept at the required level, for this it is important to provide fertilizer support 1-2 times a year.

If it likes the soil structure, it will grow quickly. If you want to slow down its growth, you should prune its top, but this time it may grow sideways. This depends on your wishes, it can be pruned from anywhere, but never from the roots, remember this.

How to Propagate Camel Sole Plant?

There are several different techniques for propagation. The first of these is to propagate by taking top cuttings. The most suitable times for this process are the first months of summer. During these months, a leaf taken from the top with its root can be planted directly in a mixture of sand and peat soil. This leaf will root within 1 month.

A different technique is to take one of the leaves going down to the root and keep it in water. You can plant the well-rooted leaf directly into peat soil. In both methods, the knife or scissors you will use must be disinfected, otherwise your flower may become infected.

You can also separate the roots directly and transfer them to other pots. With this method, you can both propagate the flower and allow the flower to develop comfortably by creating space in the pot.

Does the camel sole plant bear fruit? Can its fruit be eaten?

Yes, it bears fruit and the aroma of its fruit is very nice. Its taste is similar to a mixture of banana and pineapple, in short, it is a very delicious fruit. The fruit is edible and does not pose any problems, but it may cause an allergic reaction in some people, so people with allergies should be very careful when consuming it.

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