What is Omega 3? What are the Benefits of Omega 3?

Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the beneficial ingredients that you should include in your eating habits. You need to consume them for your body and brain health. However, unfortunately, it does not find a place in the eating habits of the people of our country, which is the main reason why diseases caused by Omega 3 deficiency are seen in our country.

What are the Types of Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Omega 3
Practical information
  • ALA: It is involved in energy production and energy consumption in metabolism. Although it is the most abundant type taken from food, it must first be converted into EPA and then into DHA. However, since this conversion rate is insufficient in our body, there is no benefit of ALA consumption on its own.
  • EPA: It has numerous benefits in the body. The most important of these is the synthesis of signaling molecules called eicosanoids. Eicosanoids play a role in reducing infections in the body. It also has important effects against psychological disorders, especially depression.
  • DHA: It is the most essential type in the body. It is produced by synthesizing some EPA. It has benefits in many parts of the body, especially brain and eye health.

What are the Benefits of Omega 3?

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Practical information

It is extremely beneficial to the body and has an incredible number of functions. These are the functions in our body:

  • Blood Triglycerides: It helps to reduce a significant portion of lipid cells in the blood.
  • Beneficial for Skin: It is also very beneficial for skin health. As people age, the 3rd layer of their skin becomes thinner and rough. This substance improves your skin health by making your skin smooth and plump. It also has a moisturizing effect and is known to be good for acne that bothers us.
  • Reduces Cancer Risk: Adequate intake significantly reduces the incidence of colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer.
  • Prevents Fatty Liver: As it reduces lipids in the blood, it also prevents your liver from becoming excessively fat by showing the same effect.
  • Reduces Depression and Anxiety: Since it has effects on brain health, it helps to alleviate psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety.
  • Reduces Inflammation and Pain: It can help relieve the pain of inflammatory rheumatism such as rheumatoid arthritis and is also effective in reducing infection in the body. It is also known to relieve menstrual pain.
  • Hyperactivity It has positive effects on hyperactivity in children.
  • Asthma It is effective in reducing asthma in children and young people.
  • Supports Baby Development: Regular consumption by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers has important effects on the development of intelligence and eye health in the baby.
  • Dementia Its regular consumption in older people is known to prevent Alzheimer's and other dementia diseases.
  • Protects Heart Health: It is known to protect heart health as it prevents risks to the heart in advance.

What is the Daily Omega 3 Requirement?

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Practical information

World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that 250-500 mg of a combination of EPA and DHA is the amount we should take per day to lead a healthy life. WHO also recommends consuming fish at least 2 times a week for our health. If you cannot get it naturally, you can use Omega 3 supplements. Check the EPA and DHA ratios of the fish oil you use, because the quality and benefit of fish oil supplements can be understood by the high EPA and DHA values in its content. If supplements are to be used to alleviate any disease, you can increase the appropriate dose of the supplement in consultation with your doctor.

What are the Foods Containing Omega 3?

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Practical information

Many foods, especially seafood, contain this fatty acid, which is beneficial for our health.

  • It contains high amounts of walnut kernels.
  • Salmon
  • Flax Seed
  • Avocado
  • Hazelnut
  • Broccoli
  • Shellfish such as mussels and oysters
  • Mackerel Fish
  • Peanut
  • Cod Fish

What Causes Omega 3 Deficiency?

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Practical information
  • Its deficiency causes some skin diseases such as eczema.
  • It can lead to increased risks of heart and brain diseases.
  • It can cause disturbances in your sleep patterns.
  • It leaves your skin, nails and even your hair unhealthy and dry.
  • It can cause joint pain and inflammation.
  • As it provides energy to the body, you may experience a feeling of fatigue that does not go away.
  • It can cause weight problems such as obesity.
  • It can cause inflammatory skin diseases.
  • It can cause your metabolism to be unhealthy.
  • It can cause circulatory and heart diseases.

Important Note: Omega 3 supplements may cause adverse effects when taken with certain medications or when the dosage is not adjusted. Therefore, never use supplements without consulting your doctor.

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