Ficus Benjamin Plant Care

Ficus Benjamin is one of the plants that people prefer because of the need to create a little bit of a natural environment in their homes. It is a small-sized, low-maintenance tree species that is cared for at home for aesthetic and decorative reasons. How should we care for Ficus Benjamin? What points should those who want to grow this plant pay attention to? We tried to find answers to all these questions...

Characteristics of Ficus Benjamin Plant

There are thought to be more than 800 species of Ficus Benjamin. Some varieties are the size of a small shrub, while some species can reach the size of a huge tree. Smaller sizes and bonsai The types grown as miniature tree art are more suitable for the home. This plant is a plant that does not like to be moved and even finds it strange, and has a hard time getting used to its new place.

Ficus Benjamin bakımı
Practical Suggestions

How to Care for Ficus Benjamin?

Sun – Light Factor:

Sunlight is not very important for this plant. When it receives insufficient sunlight, the plant does not suffer any damage, only its growth slows down. It is known that it develops faster in bright areas. However, although the plant loves bright (semi-shaded) areas, it does not like direct sunlight at all. In such a case, your plant's leaves will first burn and then your plant will die quickly. Definitely protect your plant from direct sunlight. This plant is therefore not suitable for outdoor use. So we can say that it is a perfect living room plant. It can live healthily even if it does not receive sunlight. It would be more appropriate to grow your plant indoors to prevent its dark green leaves from burning.

Temperature Factor:

This plant is a truly tropical climate plant. This plant can tolerate weather with a minimum temperature of 4 degrees. Since it is a tropical plant, lower temperatures will harm your plant. The ideal temperatures for your plant are between 17 and 27 degrees.

Humidity Factor

Since it likes the tropical climate, the plant's moisture need is extremely high. If you live in a place with low humidity, your plant will dry out due to lack of humidity and shed its leaves, but you can solve this problem by spraying water on your plant's leaves. Apart from this, if you water the plant's soil without letting it dry out, you will ensure the moisture balance of your plant.

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Practical Suggestions

Irrigation Factor

This plant loves water very much, but as you know, excessive watering rots and kills every plant. Since evaporation will be low in winter, it is appropriate to water it once a week, and in summer, since evaporation will be high, watering 2-3 times will be sufficient. The water you give to your plant should be at room temperature, otherwise your plant may go into shock.

Since the plant's moisture need will increase in the summer, you need to water not only the soil but also the leaves. To moisten the leaves, you can spray them with a sprinkler or shower your plant with your watering can. It is better to do this process early in the morning. Otherwise, sunlight may burn the wet leaves of your plant.

Soil Factor

Benjamin does not discriminate between soil. He does not want a soil rich in nutrients, his only expectation from the soil is that it will be good for his roots. drainage It is a loose soil that can provide

Fertilizer Factor

We said that this plant does not discriminate soil, but of course fertilizing the soil from time to time will help your plant grow healthy. If you fertilize your plant twice a month in spring and autumn, you will ensure that your plant's leaves are more vibrant and green. Don't worry, your plant will continue to grow healthily even if you do not give any fertilizer.

Pot Selection

Ficus Benjamin is an extremely fast-growing plant. In this case, it may cause confusion about repotting. The appropriate repotting period is once every 2 years. The most important point when changing the pot is that the pot you will transfer is only 1 size larger. Much larger pots may negatively affect the development of your plant. It is ideal to choose a pot that is 1 size larger each time you change the pot.

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Practical Suggestions


Ficus Benjamin is a plant that gets stronger as it is pruned. As it is pruned, it produces green leaves, and as the upper leaves are pruned, the plant strengthens the lower stem by focusing on the lower stem. If you prune your plant, your plant will look more aesthetic and you will make your plant happier.

This plant does not have a pruning season, you can prune it every month of the year, you can do this with the help of sterilized scissors. Please do not do excessive pruning; if possible, have someone around you do this process before.

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