Dog Food Recipe: 3 Healthy Homemade Recipes!

Hello dear animal lovers, hello from another new article! As you know, I gave recipes for dog food with minced meat in my previous article. I wanted to write new recipes without waiting for those who are looking for an alternative to minced meat. The recipes are excerpted from Home-Prepared Dog and Cat Diets, 2nd Edition- Patricia Schenck and translated into Turkish by me for my readers. These recipes should not be used in dogs with egg allergies and should always be under the supervision of a veterinarian. The recipes are complementary, so it is not recommended to use them as snacks. At the same time, the kibble recipe should not be altered or ingredients added or subtracted. It is necessary to make sure that all nutrients are added according to the measurements written in the recipe. Since animal nutrition can very easily affect animal health, do not forget to pay attention to all the warnings in the article and the recipe preparation. After consulting your veterinarian, you can easily feed your dog with these recipes. Bon appetit to your dogs in advance!

Egg Rice Dog Food

  • 4 large boiled (hard-boiled) whole eggs
  • 2 cups long grain white cooked rice
  • 2 teaspoons canola oil
  • 4 sardines with bones and tomato sauce
  • Half a teaspoon of potassium chloride
  • 2 teaspoons bone meal powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 children's multivitamin and mineral tablet
  • Half a tablet of zinc (at 100 mg)

Average weight: 693 grams
Total calories: 1066 kcal
kcal/g in the prepared diet: 1.54 kcal/g
Protein oranı: %29
Yağ miktarı: %21
Karbonhidrat: %41
Fiber: %1

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Dog Food Recipe: 3 Healthy Homemade Recipes! 4 |

Egg Pasta Dog Food Recipe

  • 4 large boiled (hard-boiled) whole eggs
  • 2 cups cooked enriched pasta
  • 1 teaspoon canola oil
  • Half a teaspoon of potassium chloride
  • 2 teaspoons bone meal powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 children's multivitamin and mineral tablet
  • Half a tablet of zinc (at 100 mg)

Average weight: 500 grams
Total calories: 774 kcal
kcal/g in the prepared diet: 1.55 kcal/g
Protein oranı: %23
Yağ miktarı: %16
Karbonhidrat: %51
Fiber: %3

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Dog Food Recipe: 3 Healthy Homemade Recipes! 5 |

Egg and Potato Mama Recipe

  • 4 large boiled (hard-boiled) whole eggs
  • 3 boiled and diced potatoes with skins
  • 2 teaspoons canola oil
  • 4 sardines with bones and tomato sauce
  • Half a teaspoon of potassium chloride
  • 2 teaspoons bone meal powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 children's multivitamin and mineral tablet
  • Half a tablet of zinc (at 100 mg)

Average weight: 845 grams
Total calories: 1063 kcal
kcal/g in the prepared diet: 1.26 kcal/g
Protein oranı: %28
Yağ miktarı: %20
Karbonhidrat: %42
Fiber: %4

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Preparation of Recipes:

  • Cook the foods I have written above in the ways they are written. Since the nutritional values are calculated according to the way they are cooked, putting them raw or using different methods while cooking will cause the nutritional values to change.
  • Be sure to slice the food before combining, if you put it whole, the nutrients may not be distributed homogeneously enough.
  • After combining the solid foods, add nutrients such as bone meal powder to the food mixture.
  • Make sure to pulverize a multivitamin or zinc tablet before adding it to the mixture.
  • Prepare the food daily. It is very important to make sure that the dog consumes all the food on the day you prepare it so that the food you prepare does not lose its nutritional values.
  • The time the food stays in the freezer is about three days. It should not be left in the freezer for longer than three days.
  • It is recommended that the dog does not consume the food until it has warmed up to room temperature. Some dogs do not want to consume the food when it is too cold because it loses its flavor.
  • The formula can be heated a little until it melts, but heating it too much can cause loss of some vitamins. For this reason, you need to be very careful when heating the formula.
  • No extra nutrients should be added to the food. These recipes are complementary foods specially prepared for dogs. A small amount of vegetables can be added on request. It should be less than half a cup of vegetables. However, after adding vegetables to the food, make sure that the dog consumes the whole food. Consuming the whole food is very important in terms of calorie and nutrient intake.

Important Note: It is recommended that all of the above recipes should not be used without the approval of a veterinarian. The recipes should be used regularly to get full efficiency. I also recommend that you consult a pet nutritionist when using the food recipes. In this way, if there is a food that is not suitable for your dog, your nutritionist will recognize this and replace it with a different food with similar nutritional values. Since the kibble recipes are intended as main meals, not snacks, they should not be altered or modified significantly. This recipe is designed for healthy adult dogs. For dogs with health problems and dogs that need to be fed different types of food than adult dog food, different recipes should be used. It is important to correctly calculate the daily calories and the recommended amount of food to be consumed.

4 Different Minced Dog Food Recipes You can click on the article now. Until the next article, stay in love and see you soon!

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