12 Benefits of Swimming! What are the benefits of swimming?

Swimming has many benefits for the body. Experts often recommend swimming to their patients because it is an easy and safe physical activity. It has many benefits, from heart to psychology, from bone health to weight loss.

Experts recommend physical exercises for at least 4 hours a week. Swimming is the easiest, fun and safest physical activity. For this reason, everyone, from pregnant women to the elderly, from those with joint problems to overweight individuals, can do it easily. Let's review this article we compiled about the benefits of swimming together.

It strengthens bones and joints

It helps improve joint movement loss resulting from injury or a blow. Since movement in water is very easy, it helps people with damaged joints to do physical exercise easily and painlessly. Additionally, as water relieves pressure on the body, it also reduces joint pain and inflammation.

It exercises all your muscles

It is one of the rare physical activities in which all the muscles of the body work actively and balancedly at the same time. 1 hour of swimming can burn up to 500 calories. It also ensures the proportional development of the body and adds aesthetics to your body.

Protects cardiovascular health

It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is the easiest and most fun way to keep the body active. By accelerating your blood circulation, it prevents vascular clogging and protects heart health. It also reduces the risk of diabetes because it reduces blood sugar levels.

Provides a healthy sleep

It allows you to go to sleep more easily by removing excess energy from the body. The resistance effect created by water causes the body to spend energy and get tired. Accordingly, it allows you to have a more intense and quality sleep.

Balances cholesterol level

The burning of body fat, which makes up your excess weight, accelerates. Therefore cholesterol It ensures that your levels are regular and balanced.

It is also good for asthma patients

It increases lung respiratory capacity and improves lung functions. As a result, it improves respiratory diseases such as asthma. In addition, the humidity and warm air created by the pool have positive effects on asthma patients.

It is a great activity for pregnant women.

It is one of the physical activities that pregnant women can do most comfortably. It is the safest exercise for the health of both the pregnant person and the fetus. In addition, since it reduces gravity, it relieves the pressure on the spine and back. As a result, it helps relieve the feeling of pressure and pain caused by pregnancy.

Increases flexibility

It helps you increase your body flexibility. Bones and tissues that are less exposed to gravity in water tend to loosen. For this reason, you gain flexibility in your body and enable your joints to open at more angles.

It helps you lose weight

Since it works all the muscles at the same time, it allows you to lose weight in a balanced way and develop the body proportionately. That's why swimmers' bodies are proportionate and aesthetic, and they are more fun than other exercises. 1 hour of brisk swimming allows you to burn approximately 516 calories, which is truly an amazing value!

Accelerates blood circulation

Swimming strengthens respiratory functions and increases oxygen circulation in blood and cells. According to experts, this activity is stated to be beneficial in terms of perception and mental clarity for people who work in a monotonous manner. This activity, which exercises all body parts and muscles, also increases the flow of clean and oxygen-rich blood sent to the heart. As a result of this situation, blood circulation in the body is regularized. Additionally, pain, inflammation and edema formation in joints and bones are prevented.

Improves your mood

The benefits of swimming, of course, not only benefit our body, but also help improve our mood. In a study, when elderly people with dementia performed regular swimming activities for 3 months, an improvement in their mood was detected. It also allows you to have fun compared to other physical exercises and is a sport that makes most people happy.

Helps relieve stress

In a study, 44 out of 101 swimmers reported feeling anxious and stressed, and after swimming, the number of those who still felt anxious and stressed decreased from 44 to only 8.

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