What is Street Basketball? Where to Play?

Hello to you all from a new article, I wanted to write this article on street basketball due to the importance of sports in our lives. At the same time, in this article, I will also talk about places where you can play street basketball in Eskişehir. As you know, with the decrease in the impact of the pandemic on our lives, we started to spend more time outside. However, many of us have moved the sports we do in indoor sports halls outside. Since one of the most preferred sports in summer is street basketball, I will briefly talk about the rules of the game and outdoor basketballs in this article.

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 What is Street Basketball?

Street basketball is played outdoors, in areas with suitable courts, rather than in indoor sports halls. The sport has been formalized by FIBA under the name "FIBA 3×3" and a world championship is held every two years. FIBA 3×3 is so named because the game is played with teams of three. The championship is organized in four different categories: men, women and men and women under 18 years of age.

Outdoor basketball matches have two teams of three players. Both teams must also have 4 reserves and a coach. The match is played on a standard half court with one basket.

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Street Basketball General Rules

As there are many different versions of this sport, there are no fixed rules. Unless an official tournament is organized, players set their own rules. The following are the rules that must be followed in official tournaments.

Both teams warm up on the field simultaneously. From the start of the game, the team in possession of the ball must throw the ball into the net within 10 seconds. Otherwise the team will be penalized.
Game time is ten minutes in total. It consists of two halves of five minutes each. At the end of ten minutes, if overtime is not needed, the team with 33 points wins. In case of a tie at the end of the period, 2 minutes of overtime will be played. During this period, teams are not allowed to ask for a time-out.

The organizing committee determines the ball on which the match will be played.
Regardless of the rules, Fair play, in Turkish, fair play, should be played in accordance with the situation of not offending the opponent's honor and completing the match without seeing the opponent as an enemy, even in an intense competitive environment.
If a player receives 5 fouls, he/she must leave the game. If a team picks up 4 fouls in a single period, it means that the total number of fouls has been reached. These are the general rules for this branch, which can be considered the most popular sport of recent times. The details will vary according to the type of basketball played.

Where to Play Street Basketball?

This type of sport is mostly played on courts built by municipalities in parking lots. The street basketball tournament in Eskişehir was held at Gökmeydan Sports Campus in the past years. People who are curious about the areas where street basketball can be played in Eskişehir can also evaluate Gökmeydan Sports Campus.

Since street basketball is played with a single hoop in the half-court, it does not need a large court area. Outdoor basketball courts built by schools, field areas built by municipalities or private companies and field areas in various campuses are ideal areas.

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Convenient Outdoor Basketballs

The most important element of sports played with the ball is the quality of the ball. A poor quality ball will reduce the performance of the player in the match and cause serious problems in the match. In official matches, the quality of the ball to be selected by the organization is very important and should definitely be selected by an expert.

In selecting basketballs suitable for outdoor use, it is very important to ensure ball control, the size of the ball suitable for the type of use, durability, the absence of deformed areas on the ball that will leak air and the comfortable grip of the ball.

Basket Ball Dimensions

  • The circumference of the No. 3 basketball is 56-57 cm in length and the weight is between 297-318 grams,
  • Basketball size 5 has a circumference of 69.5-70.5 cm in length and weighs 396-453 grams
  • The size 6 basketball has a circumference of 72-75 cm in length and weighs 510-566 grams,
  • Basketball size 7 has a circumference of 75-78 cm and weighs 567-650 grams.
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How to Use Basketballs by Number

The age and category of the person is very important when choosing a basketball. The ball numbers used by young children and adults differ.

  • Basketball number 3 for boys and girls aged 5-8 years,
  • Basketball number 5 for boys and girls aged 8-11 years,
  • Size 6 for girls 14 years and older and adults,
  • For men over 14 years of age, ball number 7 is suitable.

In today's article, we talked about street basketball and outdoor basketballs. In our next article, we will provide detailed information and product reviews on different sports and sports equipment. For more detailed information about sports shuayip.comStay tuned!

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