What is Casein (Milk Protein)? Let's Learn 4 Benefits in 4 Questions!

Kazein proteini, sütün içerisindeki besin maddeleri arasında büyük bir çoğunluğu kaplar. Oranı %78’dir. Tüketildikten 6 ila 7 saat sonra sindirilir ve bu sırada kaslarınızı besler. Oldukça büyük faydaları olsa da bazı durumlarda yan etki yaratabileceği unutulmamalıdır.

Being healthy is important for every person. The most important criterion for preventing diseases is to have a healthy body. A balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and elements makes us healthy. This product is one of the most important nutrients for our health. What is casein? What does it do? If you have questions such as, we have researched this for you, here is our article...

What is Casein?

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The only source on earth is animal milk. It is found in different amounts in the milk of each milking animal. Therefore, it is also found in large quantities in dairy products.


  • %2,85 in cow's milk
  • %2,9 in goat milk
  • It is found in sheep milk in amounts of %5,1.

It is also known as phosphoprotein because it contains %0.8 phosphoric acid. 1 gram contains 2.11 mg. galactose, 0.98 mg. glucose and 1.02 mg. mannose.

Digestion and absorption takes place slowly. Studies have shown that it is more beneficial when it works in combination with other compounds.

It is insoluble even in acidic environments. Thanks to this feature, it is digested slowly (7-8 hours) in stomach acid and provides long-term nutrition. Therefore, the duration of its anti-catabolic and anti-catabolic properties is much longer than whey. With this feature, it can be consumed just before sleep to minimize muscle breakdown during sleep.

What is the Benefit?

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  • It increases muscle growth tremendously, plus it's higher quality than soy and builds muscles more.
  • It enables protein synthesis.
  • It is absorbed more slowly than whey and therefore has a longer lasting effect than cheese gold.
  • If taken just before sleep, it contributes to maintaining nitrogen balance during sleep.
  • It is rich in calcium and therefore has important effects on bone and dental health.
  • It can provide improvements in some cases in individuals with autism.
  • In short, it has separate benefits and functions in every part of our body, the majority of which consists of this substance.

Does it make you lose weight?

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Practical information

Milk and dairy products are the main food source in the Mediterranean-type diet, which is the most effective and healthiest diet in the world. People who include this product in their diet have shown improvement in obesity and weight loss. In studies conducted on mice, weight loss was found in those fed with this substance.

Is it allergic?

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Yes, this substance may cause an allergic reaction in some bodies. People with milk allergy are actually allergic to this substance. Those who are allergic to cow's milk should not consume any product containing this substance. You can consume soy milk instead, but not everyone may like the taste. If you can find it, you can consume milk with reduced casein.

What is the Effect on Dental Health?

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Other amino acids found in milk, calcium and phosphates, they have an inhibitory effect on tooth decay and therefore have important benefits not only for teeth but also for bone health. For example, chocolates, which are known to rot teeth, are an exception. Milk chocolates are less tooth decaying than other chocolates. This substance is thought to be the reason.

Which Foods Are Found in?

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Practical information

Casein Protein Powder

We can consume it in its pure form in powder form, but it can also appear in the form of bars and biscuits. Athletes often make use of this product. It is used just before sleep to prevent muscle breakdown during sleep.

The powder is very low in calories and rich in ingredients. It contains 40 grams of protein in 50 grams and 150-160 calories.


It is found in high amounts in cheese. When cheese is made, whey and casein are separated. The lumps seen in milk are very rich in this product. It is also very rich in calcium.

Curd Cheese

Curd cheese is rich in this substance. In its production, whey and casein are separated along with the water. It also contains more of this nutrient than other cheeses. 1 tea glass of curd contains 20 grams of protein.


Milk contains quite a lot of it. Milk is also an important source of calcium, vitamins and minerals.

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